How Ginger Destroys Prostate, Ovarian and Colon Cancer Better Than Chemo

22 May 2016

How Ginger Destroys Prostate, Ovarian and Colon Cancer Better Than Chemo

Ginger has been around for many years and left a mark in the traditional medicine. You have probably heard about ginger in some healthy related article. That is because the numerous medicinal properties it contain and modern medicine recognize the ability’s of the ginger.

Ginger Contains Anti-Cancer Compounds

Ginger contains gingerols, paradols, and shagaols, all of which are anticancer compounds, as found in a study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology. A number of other studies have also confirmed that ginger is extremely efficient in destroying cancer cells in prostate, ovarian, and colorectal cancer. Moreover, some believe that the anticancer properties of ginger may be even stronger than chemotherapy.

Ginger Kills Prostate Cancer Cells

An American study was published by the British Journal of Nutrition which showed that ginger extract (zingiber officinale Roscoe) inhibited growth of human prostate cancer cells. The results occurred at a daily dose of 100 mg of ginger extract per kg of body weight. In the study, the ginger extract slashed prostate tumor growth in approximately 56%. The researchers have estimated that 100 grams of fresh ginger eaten daily will offer the same results for a 70 Kg adult.

Ginger Kills Ovarian Cancer Cells

Angiogenesis describes the onset of cancer. Provided angiogenesis is stopped at an early stage, it means that cancer can also be prevented effectively.

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine published a study that cancer cell growth can be inhibited by the active ingredients in ginger root which have anti-angiogenic properties. In fact, the study revealed that ginger is extremely beneficial for prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer.

The American Cancer Association and researchers from the University of Michigan showed that ginger effectively destroys cancer cells. In addition, ovarian cancer cells don’’t become resistant to this type of therapy as with chemotherapy.
Ginger may actually prove more beneficial for ovarian cancer patients than chemotherapy because it gives fewer side effects, is less toxic and it doesn’’t incur drug resistance.

Ginger and Colorectal Cancer

An 2003 study conducted by Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research conference, researchers showed substantial evidence that ginger protects against colorectal cancer.

This is just one of the many studies that suggest that ginger has a anticancer properties.

Another study in 2015, published in the Journal of Nutrition, is suggesting that a part of being beneficial for prevention of the colorectal cancer in a first place, also this root can destroy already existing colorectal cancer cells. This makes the ginger therapeutic option for people who suffer from colorectal cancer.

Why Ginger Shows a Potential to Be Better than Chemotherapy

The popularity of ginger is growing rapidly and the advantages it provides, makes it a valuable asset in preventing and treating of many health issues. The best part is that it provides a natural and less invasive treatment than chemotherapy.
The only possible setback is that ginger extract still can’’t be used as eligible anticancer treatment because further research needs to be done on humans. The studies that had been done are mostly in vitro or on mice, so there are a lot more expectation from this root in the future.

How to Use Ginger as a Medicine

The recommended dose for consuming ginger is 4g per day and for pregnant women only 1g per day.



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